Monday, January 21, 2019

Pennsylvania Road Construction

Accidents due to road construction are common, and more than 170 occurred in Pennsylvania in 2015 alone which could lead to increased numbers with more road construction becoming necessary. The more vehicles travel on the roads in the state, the greater need for construction projects, and this is one area of the road where accidents happen.

One of the greatest issues in Pennsylvania on the roads is road construction. The accidents that occur due to the drivers not paying attention to these areas leads to severe injury and death every year. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics provides reports about these issues, and the sheer number of work-related fatalities in the state may decrease, but the numbers still occur in over 100. However, through law enforcement, education and more safety measures followed by drivers, the decrease from 354 in 1994 to 168 in 2009 is important. The number sits at over 170 since 2015, but through continued measures, it is possible to keep reducing these deaths.
Traffic Incidents
The overall number of traffic incidents are much greater from all factors. However, most of these lead to minor to severe injury. Even a slight fender bender could harm the driver and cause whiplash. The fatalities due to other incidents are often much lower unless it involves a multi-vehicle collision. However, combine road construction with other elements, and the numbers of injury and fatality often increase significantly. Contact with equipment on the road or when the road dips could cause some drivers to lose control of the vehicle. Needing to pay attention to road workers that are close may distract from other complications.

Transportation in Pennsylvania
The number of drivers on Pennsylvania roads increases as the population becomes greater. The more drivers on the road, the greater the accidents occur. Road construction provides multiple factors of danger to the congested traffic. While driving is important in these areas to get to work and see family, road construction zones offer a risky problem for them as well. Distractions of equipment, vehicles and workers on the road may cause one driver to collide with objects or another car. Uneven lanes could lead to a person driving off the road and into gravel or where the street ends.
Construction in Pennsylvania
As with many other states, the construction zones are either through the city, state or county. The government attached to the project may interfere with possible litigation, but the individual may sue the company or the city. It is often only when the person suffers unreasonably, road signs are not in use or the warnings do not reliably explain the dangers of the zone that the person has an option to sue due to road construction complications. It is important that the workers use the correct signs and keep all other potential risks of danger and harm to the driver away from the streets. If there is a reason to stop, the employees of the project need to use the signs in enough time that the traffic may slow down or stop.

Fines double in road construction areas. While this may prevent some drivers from causing problems, others are either unaware of the area or do not care. They may still proceed with great speed to get out of the construction zone. These actions frequently increase the possibility of an accident. When there is congestion in the zone, anyone that causes problems could create a multi-vehicle collision. If in the way of large equipment, this could disrupt the entire project and further delay other drivers from getting to their destinations. Fatalities increase when a road construction accident occurs as well as serious injury.
Prevention is Key
To avoid the disaster that road construction accidents may cause, the driver should attempt to prevent the accident. This is possible through focused attention, keeping enough distance from other drivers and slowing down when necessary in the construction zone. Paying attention to road signs and the signals the construction workers give is equally important. By remaining cautious and aware in the zone, the driver may have enough time to swerve away from a collision or stop before running into the accident.
Pennsylvania Legal Support in Road Construction Accidents
It is important to hire a Pennsylvania lawyer when involved in an accident due to road construction. If the driver is the victim of another at-fault person behind the wheel, he or she may need to hire a lawyer to seek compensation. This is possible through a settlement with the insurance company.

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